I AM NOT A STORE FRONT SO PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT. I will no longer be doing SAT OR SUN appointments except for special cases.
CONTACT ME FOR DOLL REPAIR REQUEST: 719-459-3587 and TEXT photos of your doll issue. That is the easiest way. I may not get back to you for a day or two if I am really busy but hang in there. This webpate email link seems to have issues forwarding messages to me so it is BEST to email me at: lesleyewingnolan@gmail.com or text me at 719-459-3587 with photos. I am going to stop working on most antique CELLULOID dolls and most ANTIQUE steiff type animals as both are TOO FRAGILE to risk stressing. Modern celluloid dolls can sometimes be restrung but its definitely a case by case. Unlike some doll doctors who will fix anything regardless the value, I PREFER To advise potential clients first about the very low resale value of the MODERN porcelain collector or artist/relative made dolls before repairing major breakage. If you have a real sentimental attachment I understand wanting repairs done. Keep in mind the material is unlike antique porcelain, sometimes Restringing is easy enough but glueing broken doll parts is an issue that also adds up hourly in cost-- so I advise to save your money and/or buy an ANTIQUE doll for yourself. It always helpful if you measure the doll, take images without clothing etc. Front and back of doll and send me those images it can save a lot of guess work. Photograph back of head or shoulder area for ALL maker marks, lift wigs if needed. Zoom in on repair issues.